
“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!

Mobile Phone Policy

Our approach to mobile phones

Undoubtedly, smartphones are a powerful tool, but their use in the classroom can be limited, and often, detrimental to learning.ÌýÌý

Academic studies have shown that despite being an efficient tool, mobile phones generally harm learning and distract students. Young people often overestimate their ability to multitask and may not realise that their phones are distracting them, even when they are not using them. Evidence suggests that the presence of a smartphone, even when idle on a student’s desk or in their pocket, can significantly affect memory recall and accuracy. Just thinking about a smartphone is enough to break concentration.Ìý

As a result, from Monday 1st July 2024, we changed our approach to mobile phones.

At Wickersley, mobile phones must be invisible at all times

  • Students in Years 7-11 must keep their mobile phones invisible at all times.
  • Mobile phones are prohibited throughout the school premises.
  • Our Year 12 and 13 students are expected to be role models and must not use their mobile phones whilst around school.

From Monday 1st July 2024, any mobile phones seen in school, without an urgent, valid reason, e.g., checking blood sugar levels, will be confiscated until the end of the school day.Ìý

We recognise the importance of mobile phones in keeping our students safe and connected with parents and carers in the community. For this reason, we have carefully considered the language used in our new approach. Rather than imposing a complete ban on phones, we have decided that students must keep their phones invisible at all times, and keep their mobile phones turned off in their school bags, so they can use them while travelling to and from school.

Mobile Phone Procedures

  1. Students in Years 7-11 must keep their mobile phones invisible at all times. Mobile phones are prohibited throughout the school premises.
  2. ‘Invisible at all times’ includes time in school before or after the official school day.
  3. Students must keep their mobile phones turned off in their school bags. They should not be seen or heard.
  4. If a device is seen, it will be confiscated by a staff member and stored securely:
    1. The first incident in a school half term – the phone will be confiscated, stored securely, and can be collected from the SDP Office at the end of the school day.
    2. The second incident in a school half term – the phone will be confiscated, stored securely, and can be collected from the SDP Office at the end of the school day. The student will also be issued an after-school detention.
    3. The third incident in a school half term – the phone will be confiscated, stored securely, and parents will be contacted to arrange collection of the mobile phone.Ìý
    4. If there are more than three incidents in a school half term, a period of isolation will be imposed.
  5. Our mobile phone policy will also be applicable during school trips and visits that take place during the school day. Students must keep their mobile phones turned off in their school bags, or under the guidance of staff.Ìý
  6. Students will be allowed to use mobile phones during out-of-hours trips and residentials, such as evening trips and overseas trips, but only under the guidance of staff.
  7. Wireless headphones, in any form, must be invisible at all times while on school premises. If students decide to use headphones when commuting to and from school, they must remove them before entering the school site. If headphones are observed on school premises, including before or after the official school day, they will be confiscated as specified in paragraph 4.
  8. Smartwatches, for example, the Apple Watch, can be used to access the features of a smartphone, such as reading and replying to notifications, and as such, are subject to the same conditions of this policy.
  9. We understand that there may be exceptional circumstances where a child might need to use their phone. These could include situations where a child needs to monitor a health condition or needs to contact a parent/guardian urgently. In these cases, staff will use their discretion to allow temporary phone use.
  10. Bringing a mobile phone to school is at the student’s own risk. The school does not accept responsibility for lost or damaged devices.

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and to adapt to any changes in technology or educational practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact my child in an emergency?

Parents can reach the school by calling our main line at 01709 542147

If students need to contact a parent or guardian, they can request to do so via our Main Reception.

Please inform your child’s Head of Year.

All classrooms and social spaces are now equipped with clocks for easy timekeeping. We also encourage students to wear a traditional watch.

Students will be given a paper copy of their timetable on the 1st of July.Ìý

If students lose their timetable, they can ask a member of staff for a replacement.

Google Classroom is an online platform where teachers often record assignments and due dates. Please encourage your child to access Google Classroom regularly at home. This will help them stay organised and on top of their schoolwork. In September, all students will be issued a Wickersley School planner.

During breaks and lunch, students can access computers in the IT suites or use their own Chromebooks in designated seated areas.

We also encourage students to socialise with their peers and take part in extracurricular activities.

Yes. A system for recording and storing mobile devices has been implemented. All confiscated devices will be locked away in a secure location.

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